Watershed report with recommendations on social inclusion for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ WASH strategy 2016-2030.
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (MFA) WASH strategy for 2016-2030 ‘Contributing to water, sanitation and hygiene for all, forever’ outlines the Ministry’s policy. It explicitly identifies ‘service delivery to the poorest’ as one of the key issues to be addressed during the Sustainable Development Goals’ timeframe.
In order to guide the MFA (DGIS department), the Netherlands Workpackage (NLWP) of the ‘Watershed, Empowering Citizens’ Strategic Partnership programme has written recommendations on strategic options to improve social inclusion in the implementation of this WASH policy. Simavi took the lead, and coordinated the development of this document, with active involvement and input from IRC and Wetlands International.
This document has been prepared following a mapping study of socially inclusive approaches and strategies in WASH programming used by nine different organisations from the sector and is also based on the results of the study day about social inclusion and gender, organised on February 12th 2019 by the MFA and on further literature review.
See also: https://www.ircwash.org/resources/social-inclusion-wash-strategy-2016-2030-dutch-ministry-foreign-affairs
Author: Ahrari, S., Remmers, J.
Location: Global
Language: English
Type: Briefing note/Position PaperTool/training material/ Manual/guidelines